Nature Happenings

  • Project FeederWatch continues,
  • Now through late March is a difficult time for birds; providing food and an open source of water is important.
  • Cardinals flocking; they're usually the first and last birds to be seen at feeders.
  • Skunk Cabbage is the first flower of the year to bloom.
  • During late January or early February, Great Horned Owls will be sitting on their eggs.
  • Peak of Bald Eagle migration.
  • Squirrel mating season.
  • White-tailed Deer bucks are shedding their antlers.
  • Earthworms burrow below the frost line and become dormant.
  • Late in the month, as days lengthen, Tufted Titmice and cardinals begin to sing.
  • Look for hawks such as Red-tailed, Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned in your backyard.
  • Aldo Leopold's (Father of Wildlife Conservation) birthday Jan. 11
  • Quadrantid Meteor Shower early in the month. See up to 60 falling meteors per hour!