Bird Moms

hummingbird babiesA new generation of birds will soon be entering the world and the food and housing we provide can make a significant difference on how well they will thrive and survive in our own backyards.

Recent research studies have shown that bird moms with access to bird feeders will often lay their eggs earlier than those without feeders. This is significant because earlier broods typically have better rates of survival and fledging success than later ones.

Feeders also allow breeding birds to spend less time searching for food and more time selecting better nesting sites and constructing higher quality nests. The adults will also have more time available for protecting their nest, eggs and young from predators.

When abundant, quality food is accessible to parent birds it means that more food is provided to their chicks. Studies have shown that this extra nutrition reduces aggression among nest siblings and increases their rate of growth.

But food is not the only key in helping birds to nest successfully in your yard. A properly designed and installed nesting box can make a significant improvement in nesting success, especially during extreme periods of cold and damp weather.

Now is the time to take action for the next generation of birds in your yard. Drop by the store for all the products and expert advice you need to get started or update your offering. We are fully stocked and ready to help.

Join our Daily Savings Club today and start saving 15% on Bird Food year round.  Pay with cash or check and save an additional 2% .. the savings do add up!

Feederscaping services are available for those pesky issues or help getting stared in the hobby. 

Local delivery available, call the store to place an order. Order online-all orders over $75 ship free within 150 miles.


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